Information and communication day at UNG
UNG du Gabon is a public distance learning university focusing on digital education. It offers training leading to qualifications, diplomas and professional qualifications. Studies at UNG are based on a tutoring system that enhances learner supervision while instilling a culture of independent learning. Training is provided at a distance, with access to online teaching and documentary resources, webinars and digital workspaces.
Specific (secondary) objectives :
Meet growing demand for access to higher education. Reduce inequalities in access to higher education University integrated into the social fabric. Training in line with market demand (employment & self-employment). Conveying concepts linked to the use of ICTs for pedagogical purposes, lifelong learning skills, autonomy, collaborative work skills, etc..
Because it breaks down the barriers of growing demand and inequality of access to higher education, using modern information and communication technologies. By choosing to learn at UNG, you can be sure that your training will be in line with market demand (employment and self-employment), and that the concept of "training for all" will become a reality...
What digital tools are used at UNG?
- A website to international standards
- A Learning Management System (LMS)
- A School Management System (SMS)
Over the last few years, many people have joined forces within the Université Numérique du Gabon to develop together the concept of an information system that facilitates the work of members of the university community and promotes the evolution of our institution.
I'm sure you'll agree that, while technologies are not an end in themselves, they do help us in our daily lives, and even transform them. Information technologies are vectors of change, whether in teaching,