Over the past few years, many people have joined forces within the Université Numérique du Gabon to develop the concept of an information system that facilitates the work of members of the university community and promotes the evolution of our institution..
I'm sure you'll agree that, while technologies are not an end in themselves, they do help us in our daily lives, and even transform them. Information technologies are vectors of change, whether in teaching, research or the workplace.
Dear members of the university community, students, teachers and administrative staff, it is with great pride and a deep sense of responsibility that I address you as Coordinator of the Digital University of Gabon. Our university is a pillar of higher education in our country, and our commitment to academic excellence and cutting-edge research is second to none.
UNG is resolutely forward-looking, embracing the opportunities that technology offers to transform education and learning. Our aim is to prepare our students to meet the challenges of an ever-changing world, providing them with the skills they need to succeed in their careers and become enlightened, engaged citizens.
The UNG's training offer comprises four (4) teaching and research poles with a competency-based pedagogical approach that promotes the acquisition of
innovation and employability. The teaching team is made up of experienced university teaching professionals.
Here are some key figures for the Université Numérique du Gabon. Whether in terms of teaching and research facilities, students, training courses, teaching staff or anything else, the UNG is brimming with potential.
Discover the latest news about the UNG, its students, staff and partners. All the news
from academic activities and events to institutional activities.
As part of the government's efforts to promote higher education and strengthen ties between the...
The year 2023 marks a turning point in the world of university competitions, with the first...
The Minister of Higher Education visited the classrooms of the UNG to get an idea of the state of...
Gabon's UNG is a public distance-learning university focused on digital education. It offers...
This article explores the importance of career choice, preparation and adaptation for success in...
This article explores the significance of providing quality assistance for businesses. It...
For the first year, five (05) cities have been selected to host Open Digital Spaces to enable continuous distribution and cover a large part of the national territory.
Libreville (Estuaire)
Franceville (Haut-Ogooué)
Lambaréné (Moyen-Ogooué)
Mouila (Ngounié)
Tchibanga (Nyanga)
Makokou (Ogooué-Ivindo )
Koulamoutou (Ogooué-Lolo)
Port-Gentil (Ogooué-Maritime )
Oyem (Woleu-Ntem )
Join now a univserity with training focused on knowledge,
innovation and employability.
Nothing says it all like a picture! From work sessions to moments of relaxation, discover the daily life of the UNG at
through a multitude of images from our gallery.
The UNG maintains privileged partnerships with a number of local administrations, as well as with companies, associations and the private sector
national and foreign establishments, to guarantee the quality of the courses on offer.
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